How to Build Meowser
Learn how to build Meowser from source.
Questions? Don't be afraid to ask on our GitHub!
This will teach you how to compile Meowser yourself, whether to contribute or try Meowser on an unsupported platform.
We try to keep the amount of prerequisites low to make Meowser's source accessible to as many people as possible.
NodeJS - please ensure you have 20.18.0 or later installed.
Access to a terminal
(OPTIONAL) A code editor (required to edit code, but if you're just trying Meowser, it's not required)
Getting the Code
If you have Git Installed:
Find a directory (preferably empty) to install Meowser to
Run `git clone`
When finished, run `cd meowser`
If you do not have Git:
Go to our GitHub
Click "Code" then "Download ZIP"
Once installed, unzip the ZIP file
Installing Dependencies
This part is extremely simple AS LONG AS YOU HAVE NODEJS!
Open your terminal
Navigate to where you installed Meowser (e.g. F:\meowser\)
Run `npm install`
This will automatically install everything for you.
Running Meowser
Running Meowser is easier than walking. All you have to do is run `npm start` after all the steps above are complete
Meowser should now be running natively!
Compiling Meowser
To make Meowser easy to run, all you have to do is:
Run `npm run dist`. This will start compiling Meowser. Your first time may take a few moments.
Once done, open your Meowser directory then the "dist" folder (e.g. F:\meowser\dist)
You can run the installer OR go into `PLATFORM-unpacked` and run it directly from there
Now Meowser is compiled! If you encounter any issue during this process, please let us know on GitHub Issues and we'll help you out.